About me

Mein Bild
Duesseldorf, NRW, Germany
Iam a German 40s/50s/60s Pin up Girl, Retro Addict and Weirdo. I love make up, to craft, do photoshootings and collect vintage clothes/ lingerie. In my blog you can read all about it, mashed up with my thoughts about fashion/styling.


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Sonntag, 14. November 2010

Yummy weekend

Hi everyone,

not much going on this weekend. I had to work this Saturday and afterwards met s
ome of my lady workmates to watch a movie However I have yummy photos for you...

Cakes from McDonalds. They look so yummy! Unfortunately they were a bit too sweet for my taste.
I got a new delivery of Ponyhuetchen.com products! "Queen of hearts" bathing pralines, "Kissy Suzuki" showerbutter (I had it before. It is delicious! Smells wonderfull and it is indeed buttery and fab. A total favourite.) and the milk soap "Spicy Plum" Soap with plum, walnut oil, cacao, plum and cinnemon. I hear there will be some special products for X-Mas, so I guess another order is due soon!

A X-Mas special that I already have is the "Sugar Plum Fairy" Body scrub by Lush. I already tried it and it is fantastic! It makes a very smooth skin and smells delicious. I´m just afraid that I will use it up very quick!

I think I have a total tendency toward things that smell like plum for winter :-) What a joy it will be to use it all and brighten my mood in those cold and dark days!

2 Kommentare:

  1. mmh die sehn ja lecker aus *__*
    aber wie du schon geschrieben hast, sind die mir bestimmt auch zu süss :D
    dann kann man davon nur eins essen und ist schon pappsatt x3

  2. Dafür kann man bei dem Dusch und Badesachen nichts falsch machen :-D
