Hello everyone,
today me and John went for a walk and as we passed by "Beilstein & Inbar" which is a store/cafe selling French goodies we stopped by there and got us some dinner... I soon realised their wrapping resembles my bed sheets.... Sadly our dinner realised this, too and tried to hide there. Almost sucessfull!

The dinnerosaurus is hiding in it´s natural environment. It is hard to be detected. Only very experienced hunters can track it down and catch it!

Here you can see the dinnerosaurus hunted, skinned and ready to eat! You see a mousse au chocolart with vanilla cream core, 2 Roast beef Paninis, 1 Salami panini and a olive baguette with tuna, dried tomatoes and even more olives. Yummy!!!

Choclateeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Sadly we won´t be nearby this place once we moved, but we will do our best to find something similar in Neuss.... We couldn´t afford as expensive a treat all the time anyway!
This Tuesday I will get my keys to the new place and me and a workmate will go to IKEA to get my new bed straight afterwards! YAY!!!
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