Hello everyone,
I don´t think I showed a picture of my living room in the making yet!!! Here it is! It is red, the former tennant painted it like that and we kept it. We got the red chaiselounge whose back you are seeing for free! The little bamboo shelf aka the Tiki-Shrine was a fleamarket find for 5 Euros. The seat on the ground was by IKEA and I found the pillow in some cheapo-store where I got it for 8 Euros. I promise better pics with better light and maybe even close ups once the tiger seats and the dinner essemble arrived.

When I saw this little kitten-vase I immediately knew it should be the keeper of my make up brushes. I was thinking "Please be 3 Euro, please be 3 Euro" while the stall holder took out his price list and checked forever. It was..... 3 Euro. Maybe I have special mind powers (or maybe not....)

And yay!!!! The mirror of my vanity table is finally hanging!!!! Now I can set my mind on how to decorate it!!!! I got the mirror for free from my grandpa, the vanity table off ebay and the chair for free from a neighbor that wanted to get rid of it. Sometimes Iam a fortune cookie. Here counts "More and better photos when Iam finished", too!

how nice the living room, doing other more detailed picture, love the vase-kitten... to see your progress at home I have guilt because I have a lot of things started and left them a long time ..... Type the sofa to remove and redo the lining, but the jobs are long .....
AntwortenLöschenAHAHAHA! Die Ausgabe von Schwere Jungen - Leichte Mächen liegt auch bei mir daheim!! Eure neue Wohnung sieht zauberhaft aus! Ich wünsche Euch ganz viel Glück und Freude im neuen Heim!!