About me

Mein Bild
Duesseldorf, NRW, Germany
Iam a German 40s/50s/60s Pin up Girl, Retro Addict and Weirdo. I love make up, to craft, do photoshootings and collect vintage clothes/ lingerie. In my blog you can read all about it, mashed up with my thoughts about fashion/styling.


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Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014

Wet Set

Hello everyone,

what´s a girl to do if her shooting has been postphoned, but her hair is already wet set with foam rollers over night? Well, in my case: I took some photos of the setting pattern and the results ;-)

Excuse the photos not beeing the best of quality, I just took them quickly with my mobile phone...

Let´s see the bright side: By the time the shooting is beeing done i already know that I master this look ;-)

On Thursday I will leave for a vacation in Bruges/Belgium and I look forward to all the fun shootings and project I have planned for the time I am returning. Yay!

1 Kommentar:

  1. I can relate to this post so much! Isn't it the worst when you're all ready for a shoot and it gets called off for some reason.
