About me

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Duesseldorf, NRW, Germany
Iam a German 40s/50s/60s Pin up Girl, Retro Addict and Weirdo. I love make up, to craft, do photoshootings and collect vintage clothes/ lingerie. In my blog you can read all about it, mashed up with my thoughts about fashion/styling.


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Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

Life and Times of Playboy Bunnies

Hello all,

as Mad Men won´t return before 2012 Iam searching for a substitute series to kill time. A few days ago new 60s series "The Playboy Club" started. I checked it out. Iam not sure it can grab me though. It is a tad too predictable and cliche for me, but the hair and the clothes are great.

I wonder how you can kill a mobster and your hair is a mess, than 5 minutes later it is perfect again, than you shower and ruin your whole setting and approximately an hour after you had the shower it is perfect again. Dear make up deartment... Make up your mind. Either it stays perfect all the time or it doesn´t!!! Boy did this BOTHER ME!!! (If you know how to manage to instant repair your retro hair I hope you let me know...) I think I will give it a few more episodes to make up my mind about it... Until than.... Eye-candy!

Guess who is the mobster turned lawyer that all Bunnies will swoon over?
Staff meeting at the Playboy Club
Aspires to become the first coloured centerfold
Blonde bunny looks a DAMN lot like January Jones in my oppinion!
Lovely underwear shot.
One more cause the lingerie is just so lovely!!!
I told you it´s eye candy :-)

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