Hello everyone,
I was fleamarket shopping today and found a Flyer for this...

I was already there at least 4 times and every time it was great. S
ure, some of the sellers take crazy prices, but I allways made some great bargains anyway!!! So - I will be there!
And the ladies of Rock ´n Hair just told me they are going, too and sell the book there. If you buy a book and see me there I´ll happily sign my cover for you ;-) (or if you have it and bring it for that matter). If anyone wants to meet up for some shopping that is ev
en better! So feel free to contact me and we hunt treasures together!!!!! :-) If you wanna shop with me and John meet me at 11:00 at the market!
20th August: 50er - 70er Jahre Markt Köln shopping and promo for Rock n Hair.
21rst August: Tattoo Expo in Mainz strutting Catwalk for Ponyklau.
Let´s call it the "inofficial Sari Promo-Tour" :-) Stop by - say Hi! Damn will I have a hard and FUN weekend!
And I bet you´d LOVE to know what I got at the fleamarket...
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