Hello everyone,
as I was unable to find a book review of "Style me Vintage Make-up - Easy step-by-step techniques for creating classic looks" I figured I take the chance, order it and write my own :-)
As you might remember the hair edition was just so-so for me cause I felt that a lot of it was pure guess work for the onetryingto achieve a styling. The make up book turned out way better in this regard!!! The only make up were I feel a bit left alone was the Clara Bow look because you never see the eyes shut so it is guess work. Everything else is very very well-explained this time!!!!
Here a few pictures of the book to give you an idea....

P.s: Checked my statistics for today and they were very high for a day were I didn´t even post something until now..... Than I saw that most came from the same link. Thanks to Mistral for posting about me in the www.bym.de Forum AND writing nice things about me. It has not gone unnoticed and I apreciate it a lot :-)
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