Iam a German 40s/50s/60s Pin up Girl, Retro Addict and Weirdo. I love make up, to craft, do photoshootings and collect vintage clothes/ lingerie. In my blog you can read all about it, mashed up with my thoughts about fashion/styling.
when I was 17 someone looked at me and said "Ah, you´ll become a vamp and man eater!" This route was never something I considered (I turned out to be the opposite). But Matroschka eater? Well, that´s something else!
ich kann durchaus verstehen, wenn dir sämtliche männer verfallen. du hast eine wahnsinnsfigur ♥
AntwortenLöschenSchön wärs ;-) Aber gott sei Dank zumindest der auf dens ankommt ;-)