About me

Mein Bild
Duesseldorf, NRW, Germany
Iam a German 40s/50s/60s Pin up Girl, Retro Addict and Weirdo. I love make up, to craft, do photoshootings and collect vintage clothes/ lingerie. In my blog you can read all about it, mashed up with my thoughts about fashion/styling.


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Donnerstag, 5. September 2013

"Ungeschminkt" finally airing on tv!

Hello everyone,

I would first like to explain the Long silence on my blog.

Three weeks ago my grandfather died and as if that´s not bad enough another, more distant, Family member died, too. Another year at work began, followed by a lot of Action. So basically I spent the past 3 weeks torn by stress, fear and Depression. But I try to distract myself. Eventhough I presently get a lot of bad News.

So for the first time in 3 weeks I actually got GOOD NEWS!

A year ago I was playing a minor roll in a short movie and finally it is seeing the day of light!

"Ungeschminkt": Gustav (Axel Siefer, r) ist ein einsamer, verschlossener Griesgram.
Als er eines Tages auf das Entenküken Carl (Anna) trifft, scheint sein
 Leben eine unverhoffte Wendung zu nehmen.

It is part of the "Kurz und gut" Short Movie Night.

The "Kurz und gut" Short Movie Night premieres on Saturday 14th September at 23:45 with altogether 10 short movies produced by students of the Movie Schools in Cologne on WDR.

Re-run of the Short Movie Night is at the 18th September at 23:40 on Einslive!

Well, and another good news: On Saturday it´s Shooting time again! Yay!

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