I would first like to explain the Long silence on my blog.
Three weeks ago my grandfather died and as if that´s not bad enough another, more distant, Family member died, too. Another year at work began, followed by a lot of Action. So basically I spent the past 3 weeks torn by stress, fear and Depression. But I try to distract myself. Eventhough I presently get a lot of bad News.
So for the first time in 3 weeks I actually got GOOD NEWS!
A year ago I was playing a minor roll in a short movie and finally it is seeing the day of light!
"Ungeschminkt": Gustav (Axel Siefer, r) ist ein einsamer, verschlossener Griesgram. Als er eines Tages auf das Entenküken Carl (Anna) trifft, scheint sein Leben eine unverhoffte Wendung zu nehmen. |
It is part of the "Kurz und gut" Short Movie Night.
The "Kurz und gut" Short Movie Night premieres on Saturday 14th September at 23:45 with altogether 10 short movies produced by students of the Movie Schools in Cologne on WDR.
Re-run of the Short Movie Night is at the 18th September at 23:40 on Einslive!
Well, and another good news: On Saturday it´s Shooting time again! Yay!
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